Praise for the book
Navigating India - Book by Bharat Joshi
A non-preachy, non-prescriptive and unbiased account of the possibilities that define India amidst magnificent paradoxes. It provides an experiential compass through first-hand accounts and insights from some of India’s most respected names in business, public governance, diplomacy and intelligentsia. It lucidly explains the frequent and vital intersections between.

' A thoughtful exploration of the possible future trajectory of India’s economy and society. The combination of hard data and examples of on-the-ground experiences make this book a highly informative yet entertaining read. '
Andreas Bauer, Senior Resident Representative—India, Nepal, Bhutan, International Monetary Fund
' Joshi is a charming storyteller. His contacts and research are top-notch. The result is one of the most enjoyable and informative books I’ve ever read on India. And it’s not just a business book. It’s an engrossing tale about one of the most vibrant countries in the world. '
Jeffrey Gettleman, New York Times Bureau Chief, and
winner of the Pulitzer Prize
' A must-read for entrepreneurs: whether startups or seasoned professionals trying to ‘solve’ India’. Many big ideas will come out of India, and we cannot afford to ignore this economic juggernaut.'
Divya Narendra, Founder CEO of SumZero
' An intriguing book, it tells you how India is growing, where it is likely to grow, and how to seize those opportunities. '
Swaminathan Aiyar, Senior Economist, Columnist and Research Fellow at Cato Institute
' One of the best books on the subject. A balanced account of India, that steers away from clichés and stereotypes, to decipher a rising economic superpower. '
Vinod Rai, Chairman, Banks Board Bureau and Former Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India
' India is a land of contrasts—and more than that, it is a chaotic, bewildering and intimidating market for the uninitiated business person. Navigating India is written for these keen, but fearful, investors. Bharat tells it like it is... India is not for the faint-hearted. But for those willing to take time to get to know India, this book is an excellent place to start. '
David Lim, Former Deputy Chairman, Ascendas India Trust
' A must read for all budding entrepreneurs, written in a very easy going and matter-of-fact way. '
Sumit Mazumder, Chairman & Managing Director TIL Limited, Former President CII (Confederation of Indian Industry)
' Replete with real-life examples and case studies, and written in easy-flowing conversational style, Bharat’s book is a practical guide for anyone, not just foreigners, wanting to do business in India. Even for the experienced Indian entrepreneur, this is a handy reference book to dip into from time to time for inspiration to address the inevitable bureaucratic and market challenges India offers. '
Pradip Shah, Chairman, IndAsia Fund Advisors Pvt. Ltd, and founder, CRISIL
' There are business books and there are business books. Bharat Joshi has done a remarkable one that is ground-up with stories and tales of success and hassles that describe the incredibly complex market that is India where it’s tough to do business and yet very profitable. With compelling flair and a loose open-ended style Bharat captures both your interest and time. Enjoy the read! '
Dr A. Didar Singh, Secretary General, FICCI (Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry)
' I congratulate the timely publication of Navigating India, which provides firsthand insight into Indian market when the world is eyeing on its robust growth and vast business potential. As Japan has a long history of growing economic ties with India and has been one of the biggest foreign investors in the country, I myself witnessed great opportunities as well as challenges in doing business in India. This book provides a great introduction and experiential guidance to complicated Indian market. '
Kenji Hiramatsu, Ambassador of Japan to India
' Navigating India deftly articulates the most compelling opportunities and challenges of India with refreshing candour. A must read for professionals and entrepreneurs alike. '
Justice Sistani, Judge, Delhi High Court
' Navigating India is a very interesting and real life experience novel. I would suggest it as a must read for anyone who wants to do business here. Many anecdotes and stories of how business has actually unfolded. One must also remember that India is changing and the huge change in business environment over the last two years must be appreciated and understood. It is not the same as doing business in many of the other developing economies because the market is far larger, far more complex and far more developed than most. '
Alok Shriram, Vice Chairman & Deputy MD, DCM Shriram Industries Ltd and Former President, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry
' Highly recommended for entrepreneurs, diplomats and policy makers to get a head-start in India.
If you think you cannot miss India in your global business strategy, this is the book for you.
If you are still skeptical, this book will clear your mind. Bharat Joshi is a member of the young business leaders forum, who will create tomorrow for India.
India will grow to the one of the biggest economy of the world.
If you are looking for someone who can tell you the truth amid confusion, this is the book for you.
Bharat Joshi is a business leader representing most brilliant young generations who share the value for tomorrow.
When a country like India starts dancing, how would you dance together?
This is the book for you if you want to grow your business in India and beyond. '
Hideaki Domichi, Former Ambassador of Japan to India
' You will not find detailed charts of how to navigate the Indian market in Bharat Joshi’s book, but you will receive a wealth of information based on real life experiences. Bharat Joshi, who is himself an accomplished businessman, has brought together a treasure of testimonies from entrepreneurs who were or are active on the Indian market.
Indian as well as non-Indian readers will find this book to be of great interest to them.
The main question for anybody who wants to do business in India is how to approach such a difficult market. Navigating India gives you a vivid account of the complexities of doing business in a country the size of a continent, unparalleled in its diversity. '
Jan Luykx, Ambassador of Belgium to India
' Observers and practitioners of business in India would do themselves a favour when they read this book.
Navigating India is a brilliant account of the challenges and opportunities of the world’s most compelling emerging economy. '
S.Y. Quraishi, Former Chief Election Commissioner of India
' This book is not the run-of-mill stuff self-help book on India. Entrepreneurs, and anyone who wishes to engage with India: do yourself a favour and pick up this one. '
H.E. Cho Hyun, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, and former Ambassador of Republic of Korea to India
' Even though the word “navigating” is associated with the covering of marine distance, Bharat Joshi’s use of this for a land mass the size of Europe, suggests the difficulty of the quicksand that India has been for novices. But for the seasoned optimist-entrepreneur, India also lets itself be navigated—as it did for the East India Company!
This is a very different read on India. The text races ahead as it hopes that the country also will! Such optimism keeps the reader afloat—navigating even on rocky and steep terrain. Joshi is much younger and he can see the 800 million Indian youth soaring and flying sooner than some of the pessimist economists.'
Aman Nath, Author & Founder-Chairman, Neemrana Hotels
' Public intellectuals like Bharat Joshi take these great issues of India, its opportunities and challenges head on...in a resurgence of India after perhaps a thousand years of decline. '
Sanjeev Sanyal, Principal Economic Advisor, Government of India, and noted author
' As the Netherlands is increasingly becoming India’s hub in Europe and India’s main source of FDI and technology, there is immense interest in the Netherlands on how to navigate India. Joshi’s book will guide them like a compass. '
Ambassador Stoelinga of The Netherlands
' Navigating India tells the Indian story across the spectrum, through examples and conversations. It really helps understand a lot better. '
Shakti Sinha, Director, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library
' Navigating India is a real boon to us coming from Invest India, a one-stop shop for all foreign investment coming to India. '
Deepak Bagla, MD, Invest India (India’s the National Investment Promotion and Facilitation Agency for India)
' Bharat Joshi offers a candid, accessible and objective guide to a complex, albeit compelling, economy. '
' Writing in an engaging and objective style, Joshi reinforces his assessment in the book with first-hand accounts from some of India’s most respected names in business, public governance, diplomacy and intelligentsia. '
Business Standard (via IANS)